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Wednesday 8 October 2014


This is the time of year when the cows seem to like to bellow. I don’t know why, (does anyone?), but this time of year is so distinctive with its changing leaves, days which are growing shorter, temperatures dropping and those cows just bellowing out.

The field surrounding us is full of mothers and babies at the moment. At one point this morning, as if on cue, some of the big mamas started heading for the corner of the field, though there was no sign of a farmer with hay. Once one or two started in that direction, the rest joined them. 

Some of the calves were just too full of joy to walk. They raced each other and one even kicked up his back heels in exuberance. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that after two days of torrential rain, the sun was out.

I did think that if I watch these cows much more, I may become a vegetarian. It saddens me to think of the fate that awaits these wee calves.

Some things just tug at your heart strings and make you want to change your habits. 

I wish we could all respond to the environmental challenges we have created by reducing our individual impact. I know I could do more. Recycling, turning off lights and putting on an extra sweater aren’t going to save the planet, though if we all did it ...

The earth is the Lord’s and everything that is in it. We have been given the responsibility to care for this beautiful planet. Last night Prof Brian Cox hosted a programme on the miracle of humans, though he had no plausible answer to why the human brain suddenly grew to its present size, enabling us to be creative, empathetic, and so on. 

We know though. It was God, making us in his image. If only we could remember that, and not degenerate into a lesser state.

Maybe that’s why the cows bellow.

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