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Thursday 15 June 2023



Be. Still. And. Know.

Knowing leads my thoughts to knowledge, academia, theology, understanding. No, I don’t think that is the ‘know’ here.

Knowing, then, takes me down paths of relational knowledge, the Biblical, intimate understanding between two people, or a person and her Lord. No, I don’t think that is the ‘know’ here, either.

Knowing is a gift of God, received most fully when we are just being still.

When we found this house which we have made home for nearly 43 years, it had nothing to commend it. It was smaller than our flat, and cold: a real fixer-upper. But standing at the back door before we even put the key in the lock, I knew. I just knew it was the home God had prepared for us.

That knowledge was a gift. A gift of God.

This ‘know’ encompasses all of God’s attributes. Especially his goodness and love.

This morning, my mind’s eye perceived both of His eyes, but this time they were not fixed on me. They were looking away, first to the right, later to the left. A tear glistened in the corner, full but not yet fallen.

Our loving Father is suffering still, as he sees the injustices and atrocities perpetrated globally. He is wounded to the quick by the careless ingratitude of humanity, receiving his shower of gifts with indifference and recklessly trashing his world and his little ones, the apples of his eye.

When I hear the news today, from the radio or the mouths of others, I will be still and know. May that level of knowing cause the Light within me to blaze bright, driving out the darkness experienced and expressed.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Be. Still. And. Know.


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