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Tuesday 20 April 2021



Today, clouds overhead are leaking a fine mist of rain over the earth, falling onto the thirsty ground.

The sweet peas we planted a few weeks ago sprouted and grew quickly in the warmth of the conservatory, so the other day, I moved them out to the cooler greenhouse. It’s too cold yet to plant them outside. I also potted the dahlias which were sheltering inside over winter, and put them into the greenhouse to sprout. They all need water.

Watering is something I struggle to remember. Having lived for years in a land where the clouds usually provide enough moisture for everything that grows, I just forget. If I don’t get out there and water the dahlias and sweet peas, though, they will wither and die.

Spending time in God’s presence is a little like standing in a fine mist of rain. It is especially noticeable when I am struggling with issues or tasks; when I remember to stand or sit in his presence, the fine mist of his Spirit revives my spirit and restores my soul, strengthening me to keep going and to experience the fragrance of his flowers and the fruitfulness of his life all around me.

I love the deep watering that comes from gathered worship, from challenging sermons and encouraging scripture. But the deep watering, as saturating as it feels, evaporates, and I need to spend daily time letting his presence sprinkle life and grow love, peace, joy, kindness, patience, gentleness and self-control in me.

It’s my number one priority, because I’ve learned the hard way, that without his water sprinkling down, there is no reservoir of water springing up within me.

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