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Sunday, 22 December 2024

He understands


Because of the incarnation, he understands.

I just read those words in the devotional I wrote which is running now in Day by Day with God, published by BRF. How funny, that though I wrote those words, those simple words, over a year ago, as I read them here in the all-embracing warmth of a Brisbane Christmas, they struck me afresh.

Because Jesus was born in the manger, he fully empathises with me when I go through things. And he fully rejoices with me when I celebrate victories.

I am so grateful to God for everything he has done, is doing, and will do, in my life and in this world of his. I am so grateful that however dark the global atmosphere is, however menacing the new year may look, it holds no surprises for God, and he is lovingly working out his plans for us all.

Because of the incarnation, he understands. Praise God.

Friday, 20 December 2024

New Adventures


Two kookaburras bobbed on a branch outside the kitchen window, noisily sharing a joke. What a wild sound! Every morning here we are awoken by the most glorious birdsongs. In amongst the chorus is a rather plain sustained note, rising to a second sustained note. Nothing pretty about it. One might think the kookaburra, and the bird responsible for these plain sounds, would be too embarrassed to make a noise, a cacophony interrupting the chorus of bright, perky and beautiful songs. But no, they seem proud to own the sounds they produce.

Yesterday was beach day. I had my first experience of body boarding. Can’t say I was a great success, though it was exhilarating and so much fun, but the recovery as I landed on shallow sand, still buffeted from behind by powerful surf, was more embarrassing than exhilarating.

Somehow, in the scrabble to stand up while being hammered by incoming waves, I maybe scraped off the sunscreen on one of my feet. However it happened, I am nursing a neon-red left foot today. How could I have allowed that to happen, when I know the pain of sunburn?

Today we are preparing to prepare for a hot Christmas. Debating a menu. Considering quantities when there will be a large family gathering here. And knowing that actually, in 30+ temps and with a pool just outside the door, we will probably all end up in the water.

So many firsts. Life is an adventure, and may the Lord keep us embracing the new every day.

Merry Christmas to all. Make memories, wherever you are. They are precious and God-blessed.


Sunday, 15 December 2024



A fresh breeze wafts in through the open door. A palm tree on the other side of the balcony waves in the wind.  The heat is on, the clouds are flying in and rain is in the forecast.

Yesterday started with a great church service reminding us that the joy of the Lord is to be received as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not to be worked up as a human emotion. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and it is independent of circumstances. A great message in these days of turmoil and tragedy.

We are packing in the activities here, seizing the days and making memories. Headed inside today for bowling and a little shopping with Flick and Greg.

May the joy of the Lord fill us all in these days before Christmas, when the angels sang of the incredible joy born in Bethlehem.



Tuesday, 10 December 2024

White Australian Ibis


Prepared to walk in the rain, we headed for the nearby mall to pick up a few Christmas things. After crossing the freeway (on an overhead bridge, I hasten to add!), we noticed a little oasis of lush growth beside the river. Nesting in trees and other foliage were the weirdest birds I’ve seen. Joey asked yesterday if we’d seen them yet. Now we have.

Australian White Ibis. We watched as they jockeyed for space, then carried on to our destination.

We’re back ‘home’ now, where we were greeted by a couple of enthusiastic pooches. The rain never came. And the heat is rising again.

Sandwiched between relaxing and enjoying family, I am still struggling to arrange details of Mom’s move upstairs to a different room. With a sixteen-hour lead time, I’m finding it tricky to know when to phone, and things are not as smooth as I could wish for.

I am praying that Mom will be able to relax and enjoy her new terrain, new care team, and new situation. That there will be intriguing and kind people in unexpected places. That she will still perceive beauty in her world.

Life is full of change. We can feel prepared, and then find things are not as we expected them to be. We encounter different ‘wild life’. We find ourselves challenged in many ways.

Good to know that God is in everything. That he goes behind and before and with. That despite the way things feel, he has a plan, and it is a plan for good.


Monday, 9 December 2024



There is a first time for everything.

Today, it was swimming in the rain. We are so grateful to be here in Brisbane with Doug, Joey, Flick and Greg. It may be raining, but it is 29C. Not like any other December I’ve ever known.

Bailey, the dog – not a water baby – hovered nervously round his much-loved master. His eyes were eloquent: get out of that pool! Would he jump in if someone were in trouble? Maybe if his owners were. He might just give me an ‘I told you so’ glance…

I wonder how often the Lord has hovered round me, not nervously but lovingly, willing me to get out of dangerous or dodgy waters.

I am so grateful to know that I am never alone. That whatever my circumstances, the Lord hovers protectively and I remain securely in the shadow of his wing, my feet planted firmly on the rock. And if I do get into trouble, he will rescue me. Again.



Monday, 2 December 2024

Thanksgiving Leaves


I had not even finished setting up the Thanksgiving ‘tree’ before Ella, Joel and Callan were choosing their leaves and writing out what they were thankful for. ‘God’. ‘Friends’. ‘Family’. ‘Today’.

Profound expressions of gratitude for the things that really matter.

May I carry into the week the joyful innocence of a child, celebrating life, love and the Lord.


Friday, 29 November 2024

EOBs: Jesus paid it all


They call them EOBs.

The insurance company Mom is with emails me an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) whenever a claim is made. It details the bill and explains what amount of that bill the insurance will cover, and what will be Mom’s responsibility.

Mom is blessed to have the insurance she has. When I see the eye-watering costs associated with her recent stay in hospital and treatment for a broken hip, I don’t know how the uninsured in America manage.

Some people look at religion as a form of eternal insurance, a ‘just in case’ transaction which might open the gates of heaven for the adherent. Might cover the cost of any misdemeanours committed during a lifetime. Pie in the sky when you die.

Those who know Jesus know that the gates of heaven open when we first believe. Life on earth takes on a tinge of heaven. It doesn’t make life easy, but knowing that I walk through the valleys with Jesus strengthens, comforts and encourages me, filling me with hope and that peace beyond understanding.

Not insurance, but assurance. The gates swing open as soon as one of us sinners surrenders to Jesus, turning back from a lonely path pocked with pitfalls of sin, onto another path with plenty of pockets of sin, but walked hand-in-hand with the One who can keep me on my feet. And be there to help me up when I trip and fall.

Faith casts out fear. There is no question of whether or not my sin has been covered – of whether or not I might receive a shocking EOB at the gates of heaven showing that actually, the debt was too large for Jesus to cover.

Jesus paid it all.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!


I praised the Lord as the sun came up (not impressively early in a November Scotland…), and now the western sky is aglow with the final rays of the day, and again I am praising him.

Tomorrow, America will be closed for business as everyone heads to friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving, usually with turkey and the trimmings, pumpkin and pecan pies. And football games.

Since my kids were young, we always ‘put up’ a Thanksgiving tree. It’s just a bare branch with some twigs on it, stuck into a block of wood. Everyone gets a leaf cut out of construction paper, and everyone has opportunity to write out their specific thanks, in the form of a prayer, a poem, a few words, bullet points, a drawing.

I’ve just cut out another pile of leaves, as we’ll be headed to Newtyle on Saturday to meet up with the rest of the family in Scotland to celebrate Thanksgiving. It will be so special to have leaves from the six grandchildren who will be there, as well as the rest of us. Those far away will be sorely missed.

God has opened heaven’s doors and shovelled the blessings out on us over this last year. There have been a few challenges, for sure, but the thing about God is that he never leaves us to manage the challenges on our own. As he promises, he never leaves nor forsakes us. I continue to see his hand in so many ways, and stand on tiptoe anticipating signs of his loving care every day.

May God bless us all with gratitude and thankful hearts, even in the midst of turmoil or trouble. Our hearts should always swell with humble gratitude for Jesus: if we have nothing else to write on a leaf, we can always draw the cross of calvary.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Another day in paradise


A glorious morning again. My dad used to greet every morning with the words, ‘Another day in Paradise’. Admittedly, Southern California weather and beauty were pretty alluring, but those words echoed in my mind today as I wrote that first sentence. A glorious morning. I can truthfully look out my windows and breathe with thanksgiving, ‘another day in Paradise’.

God’s created masterpiece was once a truly unspoilt paradise, and even though we have so degraded and altered it, many places in the world still reflect the beauty and glory of the creator. The rural landscape surrounding my home is one of them.

I remember realising the power of the word ‘breath-taking’ when I visited the Grand Canyon. No photograph prepared me for that moment of awe, which did take my breath away. The living beauties of the Great Barrier Reef form one of the most awesome memories of my life. I am so grateful to have experienced both of these masterpieces of God’s creation.

I breathe deep and exhale a paean of praise to our Saviour Jesus. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.’

Today I am so thankful for the gift of another day in paradise, and I look forward to an eternity in paradise in all its fullness and perfection, when every tear will be dried and there will be no more pain or death, disease or war, violence or hatred. I stand on the promise that one day this will be true, and in the meantime, I am grateful for the life I have now, its challenges offering opportunities for me to watch God at work.


Saturday, 23 November 2024



Sleet cuts the cold air, gusting in waves across the snowy field. The trees round the prayer window are a-flutter with hungry, noisy birds, jockeying for space on the swaying fat balls and bobbing seed tray.

I listen, I watch: grateful to be inside beside a roaring fire. Then I notice a bigger bird, still as a statue, perched high in the Norwegian maple. I thought it was a pigeon: maybe it’s a crow: I can’t find the binoculars!

He’s been stationary now for at least an hour, bobbing on a small branch. Occasionally he flutters a feather or two, but otherwise he is absolutely unmoving.

Be still and know that I am God.

Mine has been a week of turmoil, indecision, misunderstanding, obfuscation. I have been up, then down; decisive, then confused: ready to act, then drawn to wait.

Be still and know that I am God.

God is faithful, full of grace and truth. May I rest in his peace, awaiting his word, his whisper, his touch, his hand on my life.

I hope that bird on the branch has not got his little claws frozen to the bark. I hope he is not too sick to fly, to find a place of greater shelter from the wintry weather.

I depend on God to keep my feet from being frozen onto a path which seems sensible, humanly speaking. May I be willing to follow the God who never leaves nor forsakes his loved ones, either onto a new path altogether, or continuing on the same path we are already on. Trusting in his love, mercy and care.

I was blessed this week by a video sent by Pastor Dan who visits Mom. He asked her for any advice she might have, as a centenarian, for younger people. In a heartbeat, she replied, ‘Love God. That is the most important thing. He sees things that we can’t see.’

What a blessing she is. No wonder God is preserving her life. She is like Job. She has lost so much, yet she hasn’t lost sight of her Lord. She is still letting the light inside her beam out into the darkness.

Thanksgiving week, and I have so much gratitude rising within me.


Tuesday, 19 November 2024



Frozen flakes sweep across the field, and as the light begins to fade and the temperature drops even more, they begin to slip into the dips and cracks of the ground and accumulate. A soft blanket of snow smooths out the sharp contours of the ploughed park, and if this keeps up overnight, by morning we may not see any shadows or stones, only a pillowy white softness stretching between the barbed wire fences.

It reminds me of the Lord’s love. Jesus suffered and died for the sins of the whole world, and as someone taught me, sin is sin, whether it is a heinous crime, or a juicy bit of gossip. All took him to the cross. And from the cross, the love in his eyes fell like the snow, levelling us. As the Scots say, ‘we’re all Jock Tamsin’s bairns’.

We are all God’s children.

I am humbled. I praise God for his mercy and grace, and I pray that he would open all of our hearts to see with his eyes, forgive as we have been forgiven, and be kind.

Monday, 18 November 2024

Steady ...


The blackbird perches on a fragile twig of the rowan tree. She bounces and sways in the wind, thrusting her beak forwards towards a juicy berry. The berry jerks away as her beak pierces and penetrates it, and as she repeats the motion many times, I surmise that every effort is met with minimal success.

She is not grounded.

Jesus told a story of a house built on a rock, able to withstand the fiercest of storms while the house built on sand collapsed.

Jesus also invited us to feed on him. With feet planted today on the Rock of ages, I am able to feed on the word of God and be satisfied. Not just satisfied, but refreshed, renewed, and enabled to go into my day, whatever it holds, rejoicing in the One who is my hiding place and my home.


Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Counting the Cost


Counting the cost.

Mom’s care home uses a point system to determine what she pays. Every detail of care she needs is rated by points, every point carrying a monetary value. The assessment form is multiple choice, and not every task offers an option which fits Mom’s needs.

The result of her fall and broken hip is not felt simply in the diminished life she can now lead due to physical pain and weakness. The cost of care has skyrocketed, necessitating that we review options. If there are any.

Jesus spoke about counting the cost with reference to following him. He taught that it’s important to know in advance what a course of action might cost so that you can judge whether or not it’s affordable. Sound advice. But in elderly care, there are too many variables to be able to accurately count the cost in advance. Length of life, cost of living rises, changes of facility management from a family-run business to a corporation eager to maximise returns to shareholders and directors.

So here we are, in a tight situation, as are so many these days. In a sense, it’s a blessed place to be, because I don’t really know what to do so I am doing what I do know: leaning in to Jesus. Spending more time with him. Praising more: speaking Jesus over my family, my Mom, this care home and the underpaid, beleaguered staff left to deal with clients’ families. Remembering scriptures of strength and encouragement, like Psalm 91: She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.’

He has gathered me under his wing; he has Mom under his wing. One step at a time. One day at a time. In this situation, I am experiencing the peace beyond understanding which only God gives.

But I am not complacent. I am actively seeking the way forward, but from a position of faith in the God who knows the end from the beginning. Who, when I have made my plans, intervenes to direct my steps.

I am praising the One who died for my sins, for the sins of the whole world.

In this month of Thanksgiving, I have so much gratitude welling up within my heart. I am so grateful to God, who is faithful to his promises, who never leaves nor forsakes any of us.

I am so grateful to my Jesus, who did count the cost, and paid it anyway.

May you, too, know his peace, whatever your circumstances this morning.


Sunday, 10 November 2024

Lean into the Gardener


The voluptuous blooms on their hydrangeas are fading fast, and Emma commented it was time to prune the heads. Even after all these years, I am still a novice in the garden. So she showed me how.

An inch or two below the wilting bloom, you can see the buds forming for next year’s profusion. Cut the old flower head off there, and next year’s show will be amazing, she suggested.

I’ve done it now. We’ll see what happens next year.

My Father is the gardener, Jesus told his friends, … every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful.

Pruning is painful. Sharp shears severing aspects of our lives which may have appeared to be flourishing. Buoyant home groups which falter. Spiritual gifts which seem to dry up. Rich relationships which encounter unexpected issues. A path forward which disappears, or is blocked.

The hydrangea is pruned before the winter storms hit. During winter weather, it, like the other plants in the garden, hibernates, regrouping, gathering its strength for the next growing season.

A sabbath rest, a time to be refreshed, strengthened. A time to sharpen our ears for God’s voice.

Simplify. Batten down the hatches, and lean into the Gardener.


Thursday, 7 November 2024

Drawn to the Light


The broken man was drawn to the mountain and its glacier. The cause of his brokenness is not revealed, but as he embraces Mont Blanc and its melting glacier, he encounters a healing power which restores his soul. The healing touch leaves his left hand and forearm forever changed, charged with an inner light which glows warmly in the dark.

This was the story in the French film we watched last night.  

A fitting story during this week of the American election, the results which have broken the hearts of many and left them reeling. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. In the days to come, may we all be drawn constantly to the love of God. May we all be filled with the light of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, let your healing touch forever change us, those who follow Jesus, so that our lives are charged with an inner, divine light which glows warmly in the dark. May we trust in God as we negotiate whatever is to come.

‘As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children –’ (Ps 103)

May your righteousness be with our children’s children, empowering and strengthening them. From everlasting to everlasting.

Help us to keep our eyes on you.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Jesus, Jesus over everything


The birds are back, gathering at the bird-feeders, filled again after the summer, when they were left empty because there was so much sustenance in the fruits and berries and thriving insect population.

There are times when my spirit is released to feed widely, gathering wisdom from sermons, guidance from fellow-disciples, nuggets of knowledge from devotionals. Other times, I sense a need to just draw in to Jesus.

This morning, I found myself laying my hand on the globe in my prayer window, covering the USA. And I sang out ‘God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with the light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam: God bless America, my home, sweet, home. God bless America, my home sweet home.’

On this day which is critical for the future of the country, with repercussions for the world, God bless America. What else can I pray?

When I need to snuggle into the Lord, I find I am best able to do that through music, so I went on to the recent praise song from Charity Gayle, I Speak Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcmqSfr1ENY

To whom else should we go? Peter asked. You, Jesus, have the words of eternal life.

‘I just want to speak the name of Jesus’ in every voting booth in America today. I just want to speak the name of Jesus into every heart that beats with hatred. I just want to speak the name of Jesus into every spirit that cowers in fear. ‘Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows’ Jesus.

Jesus over fear. Jesus over illness. Jesus over anxiety. Jesus over hatred. Jesus over pride. Jesus over nationalism. Jesus. Jesus.

I trust you to feed us today, Lord Jesus, knowing that your ways are not our ways, and praying that we would all feed on you every day. As the birds need to feed frequently, so I need to feed frequently on you, Lord.

I speak the holy name of Jesus over this hurting world this morning, Lord. Your world. Shine, Jesus, shine, in your disciples today. Shine, Lord. May we bear your image, whatever happens.

Peace. Shalom. In Jesus’ Name.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Break it Up!


For the last few days, I’ve been amused by the flock of pheasants harvesting their breakfast from the stubble of the field round our house. I counted over twenty this morning.

When I returned a few hours later, the farmer was just finishing ploughing it up. What are the pheasants going to eat now?, I wondered. Well, they’re all back, and they’ve brought their friends. As I watch them out there, I realise how little I know.  They are probably grateful to the farmer for serving them up a feast of wriggly treats.

‘Break up your unploughed ground,’ Hosea advised. ‘for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.’

God doesn’t want to feed us worms, he wants to feed us his life-giving word. But so often, I am too busy, too world-weary, too self-absorbed, too jaded to receive what he has for me. Help me, Lord, to take time to break up my fallow ground, those bits of me which have become hardened and impenetrable. Help me to open myself to you, looking to you for sustenance, encouragement and protection.

 … ‘Because you have depended on your own strength … the roar of battle will rise against your people…’

I depend on you, Jesus. Help me to depend on you fully, and not on my own paltry efforts.



Tuesday, 29 October 2024

In Secret


Returning from our morning prayer walk, Don and I paused to listen to the birds. How often it’s easy to hear a bird singing, but not see it in the canopy of branches and leaves overhead.

The trilling song was beautiful as the hidden bird raised her voice in praise and worship. Jesus said to go into your room and close the door when you’re going to pray. Praise and worship and prayer are powerful in congregation with other believers, but there is also something very special about stealing away into a quiet place, alone with the lover of your soul.

May we all find, or make, space for such a rendezvous every day.

Monday, 28 October 2024

Red Carpet


Autumn winds have rolled out the red carpet in our garden. A red carpet which is the centre of attention, rather than glamourous actors posing for publicity. A red carpet to be admired for itself.

The beauty of autumn! I just love it. (Yes, Doug, even when the leaves have fallen…messy as it may get!)

I’ve been praying the Ephesians 3 prayer over Mom. ‘I pray that out of his glorious riches he (Jesus) may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith.’

I’ve been praying that Mom’s faith, so challenged by circumstances, would strengthen enough that she could roll out the red carpet for Jesus to really dwell in peace, power and light in her inner being, despite these limitations she’s struggling with. I’ve been praying that she could recover her glow for God, and once again be a beacon of light and hope for those around her.

Last night I had a joyful moment of speaking with her on the phone. It was the old Mom back, telling me what a wonderful day she was having, mainly because she had just enjoyed a delicious bit of chocolate ice cream cake.

Never doubt the power of prayer to change situations. May she continue to glow for God until that moment that he embraces her home.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Set Free


Yesterday, I started a new discipline which I will try to keep up. A ten-minute walk before breakfast. I read it helps with sleep issues, and I did sleep better last night.

This morning dawned gloriously. I headed towards the dawn, trying to find words to describe the clusters of clouds, both fluffy and torn, offering their moist molecules to the beams of the rising sun. Hues of rosy pinks, shades of greys, and glows of gold made the sky spectacular and praise for our creator God rose easily within me.

Then I turned back, and over the Hill of Fare slumped a solid rug of a cloud in deep grey, almost black. None of the glory of the sunrise behind me seemed to call out colour or beauty. The cloud just sat there, oppressive and still.

A simple picture this morning of the critical importance of perspective. May I keep my eyes fixed today on the Lord Jesus Christ. May I match my mood with the hope and peace he offers us; may I resist the slump of world news, the temptation to speak and act as if God has lost control.

I am still thinking of Paul in prison, chained by those loyal to a brutal regime capable of cruel excesses, writing such soaring prayers for the church he knew so well in Ephesus. For all who are in situations they didn’t choose, I pray that God will reveal the incredible height and depth, width and breadth, of Jesus’ love for them today, that their spirits may soar with His Spirit. I am praying that for my dear Mom. Set our spirits free, that we might worship thee. Amen.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Autumn is passing too fast!


Autumn is passing too fast. The rich russets and golds, oranges and browns are piling up, gathered in clumps round the garden by strong winds and left in those heaps to moulder into black, slimy hillocks.

And so in life. When those golden years of retirement begin to drop into months or years of what may appear as uselessness, when age and infirmity steal all vestiges of dignity and choice, it may appear that life is black and slimy.

I was reminded yesterday that Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians while in chains in a Roman prison. What a role model for us! While he was in a situation not of his choosing, where choice was lost and dignity stolen, his spirit soared to such heights that he could write the incredibly inspiring prayers we have. This is the second one in the letter:

For this reason, I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches, He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high in deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen  Ephesians 3:14-21

Amen! May we all be so strengthened today, especially those for whom life is extremely tough right now. 

Monday, 14 October 2024

QR Gospel


This is the day of the QR Code. I’ve noticed it more here in LA than back in Banchory. Every announcement about an event at the church I attended pointed the interested participant to check out the QR Code.

Now I do know how to use a QR Code, but I am in that generation that prefers to receive information without having to use a device to get it.

I wonder how Jesus would structure a sermon today? ‘I am the bread of life,’ he might declare, ‘and if you don’t understand that, just check out the QR code on the bottom of your bulletin.’

Or maybe, if faced with a hungry crowd of thousands who’d listened all day to him sharing the secrets of the Kingdom of God, he’d direct his disciples to display the QR codes for nearby eateries.

Just a bit of fun before I fly.

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Halloween Part 2


Still a bit haunted by Halloween.

It’s easy to see the plastic skeletons posed all over people’s lawns and porches, and wonder what the homeowners are thinking of. But I just read 1 Cor 10:12-13, ’So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!’

It made me wonder what skeletons lurk on the lawns and porches of my thoughts?

I may not be scared (any more) by plastic skeletons, but plenty of things invoke fear. This whole situation with Mom is fraught with fears of various kinds: finance and the future are the main ones. But fear is the denial of faith, and so once again I come to God for assurance that He is in control, and all will be well, all manner of things will be well.

Jesus, for the joy set before him, could face and see beyond the cross. Lord, bless Mom with vision to see beyond the cross she is bearing right now. May she move from the overwhelming helplessness and pain into a place of anticipation of all that’s coming, beyond the cross. May I, too, occupy that place of peace and joy, anticipating the great things Jesus has in store.

Skeletons in the Yards


On my regular walks down to the beach from the street I park on, I counted ten skeletons in the front yards. One or two are giants, towering over the average person, fixed in threatening poses. Plus three witches, gathered round a cauldron, and numerous spider webs. I’m glad I’m not with my grandchildren, who would be terrified.

It’s not a case for Rumpole (whose stories I’ve been enjoying while sitting beside Mom’s bed).

Halloween is coming, and in this Christian country it is amazing to see so many people happy to celebrate the dark side. To see it as just a bit of harmless fun.

We are all made up of such a mish-mash of ideas and thoughts, many of which are bland and tasteless, but others which can taint our spirits and twist our vision so our understanding is distorted and false.

On this Sunday morning, as I get ready to go celebrate Jesus as Saviour and Lord, I pray for clarity of thought and attitude. I lift Jesus higher.

In this scary season, may our fun be harmless and our joy be in the Lord, today and always.

Friday, 11 October 2024

Out in Joy and Peace, I pray


“Am I in a situation not of my own choosing?”

This question was posed in yesterday’s Lectio on Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7.

“Am I resentful? What if God wants me here?”

This is not the same post as yesterday’s, when I was filled with such a sense of serenity and peace, strong to entrust God with the details of this hard situation.

Tonight I’m praying through a tough day, when the detail of life as Mom is experiencing it now was just hard. When confusion led to temper flares, and my patience was tested and faltered.

Then I came back and read through the verses a dear friend gave me this morning, from Isaiah 55:8-9:

‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’

Boy, rarely have those words rung so true!

But then comes the promise in verse 12:

‘For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.’

Roll on that blessed day. Lead on, Lord Jesus.

And in the meantime, Lord, equip Mom, and equip me, to accept the situation you allow to continue. May we both ‘have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’ Ephesians 3:18-21



Thursday, 10 October 2024

The Divine Signature


“Am I in a situation not of my own choosing?”

This question was posed in today’s Lectio on Jeremiah 29:1, 4-9.

“Am I resentful? What if God wants me here?”

I am praising God for seeing me and revealing to me more clearly what my attitude and response should be. I am a captive in this situation not out of duty, but out of choice, because of my deep love for my amazing mother. But more than that, I am a captive in this situation because God wants me in it. And the situation will last as long as he has purpose in it.

I can entrust him with the rising financial obligations that come with increased care needs. I can hold before the throne of grace all the staff who work hard and with kindness for low salaries. I can petition against a capitalist attitude in the organization’s management, which sees a care home as a business, not a service.

And I can pray for dear Mom, who is certainly in a situation not of her choosing. That even in her limited understanding, she would be content and at peace as she trusts in God.

Lord, remove any knots of resentment in Mom and me. Enable us to relax into your everlasting arms, pray with faith and hope, and look with eager expectation for your divine signature writ large across each day.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Murky Twilight but the Dawn is Coming


After a walk along the beach, I sank onto a bench and just sat and stared. Under a heavily clouded / foggy sky, the ocean reflected shades of grey. The crashing surf pounded into white foam where it met the fine sand. A father and his wee girl capered on the beach: their laughter echoed back to me, a lovely balm.

A ghostly sun tried valiantly to break through the clouds, without success.

I sat on and stared as a cohort of pelicans, that most prehistoric of looking birds, swooped low over the waves. I’ve yet to see one dive and catch its dinner, but they are on the lookout for sure.

Before my walk, I’d spent several hours sitting with Mom. Such a blessing for us both. We could feel Jesus near, and she even said her goodbyes as she said how excited she was for heaven, and that we will be together there forever, with everyone else who has gone before. Then she’d pursed her lips and we kissed goodbye. She slept – and woke up a little later, chatting and strong still.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Jesus shines in the murky twilight of life, and one day – sooner or later – he will light Mom up and embrace her into the kingdom. I just hope it’s when I’m sitting with her.


Saturday, 5 October 2024



When Mosesarms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his armsholding them.


I woke up thinking about this story from Exodus. I am receiving so many encouraging messages, prayers, pictures, ideas, phone calls, suggestions as I walk through these days with Mom. Getting delicious meals cooked for me and good company with my cousin and his wife. My every need is met.

I am feeling so grateful that I have my own Aaron and Hur on either side of me, and a 'stone' to sit on. You all know who you are, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. God bless you.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

So grateful


Feeling grateful.

A couple of weeks ago, I shared an insight God gave me on my way to my beach retreat. ‘You can’t go up a hill in top gear,’ I heard him say as I downshifted on a rising slope. Praise God for preparing me for what was to come.

I am on a rising slope, here in California again. Mom fell and broke her hip, has had an operation, which she came through, albeit confused and ornery. Who wouldn’t be ornery? She can’t see, can’t think, hurts, and doesn’t understand.

Soon she will be moved back to her own bedroom, where hospice carers will take over her care. But for that to happen, I had to remove her Queen bed to make way for a hospital bed. I reached out in all directions for help with this one, truly downshifting. I eventually had to pay someone to take away a perfectly good bed. Charities here won’t accept beds.

When the hospital bed arrived, I had to dash out for single bed sheets. Twice, because I forgot to buy a mattress protector.

Between times, I’ve been tidying up for Mom – putting picture albums back together, taking some pictures with me. Nostalgic and sad.

This walking Mom home has been a very long and gradual incline. Incline. Perhaps I should write decline, as she has declined, (and probably so have I!), but as we’ve lurched and staggered forward, we have been blessed to see God at work in so many details. He has been with us every step of the way. I can’t believe the number of things I’ve had to arrange over the last ten years which have dragged me out of my comfort zone. But the three of us, Mom, me and God – and a small team of family and friends – are still walking – well, at least I am, Mom is bed-bound unless she can be persuaded to do some physio. And I know God has not abandoned us now. He will see us safely home.

Life is a challenge, but with God there is the joy of seeing his hand in myriad ways.

So grateful.

Friday, 27 September 2024

Rest in the Shadow


The two-lane coastal road from Stonehaven to Auchmithie Beach winds through farmland, golden in its early autumn glory. Farmers, busily bringing in the harvest, grind along in their big tractors pulling even bigger harvest machinery.

Behind them follows a parade of smaller vehicles. There are few stretches of road straight enough to safely overtake.

Be still and know that I am God.

Sometimes we need to accept a slower pace in life. Perhaps we are caring for someone older or sick. Perhaps we are parenting a growing family. Perhaps we ourselves are not well.

When we stop agitating about the impediment to our zipping quickly from here to there and getting a lot of things done, we are free to appreciate the scenery or the people we are with.

We are set free to be still and appreciate God. To enjoy his quiet company. She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

May our days be punctuated with periods of peace and rest in the shadow of the Almighty, whether by choice or otherwise.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Rock of Ages


‘Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.’ (Isaiah 26:4)

There is nothing boring or uniform about the shoreline at Auchmithie Beach. It is composed of a carpet of smooth stones of various hues and sizes. It isn’t a beach for a long walk. It’s a beach for a jerking progress from one end to the other, where there are some shallow caves and larger boulders on which to sit. On which to sit and contemplate, to sit and stare glakit at the rhythmic flow of the sea, to sit and pray.

Surrounding the larger boulders are much smaller rocks, polished smooth by the tides, tossed around by the storms that buffet the beach sometimes. They are a beautiful rainbow of colours.

I brought home nine of these stones as a souvenir of the day. I chose nine – one for each of my grandchildren. They now sit at the garden door, a reminder (as if I needed it) to pray for each of these precious ones, that they will trust in Jesus always.

I love that the stones are smooth. The rough edges have been broken off by the storms. They have been honed and polished by the flow of life. I pray that as my precious grandchildren go through whatever storms await them, they will emerge with their faith in the Rock eternal intact, with their lives anchored in Jesus.

Jesus told Peter, ‘It is on this rock that I will build my church’. Peter’s faith in Jesus as Saviour was rock-solid … and yet, on the night he was arrested, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.

Denials for which he profoundly repented, and for which he was wholeheartedly forgiven. Whatever betrayals we have committed, Jesus is always waiting to welcome us back, and when we trust in him, truly trust in him, we are stronger than ever because he is our strength.

We live in times of global tension and turmoil, agony and angst. I pray for all those whose faith is shaken today by the storms of the age, that through the tumult they will find comfort and safety in the rock of ages.




Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Walk in the Light


When the day is bright, the shadows are deep. As I drove south to Auchmithie Beach, glaring sunlight penetrated the canopy of trees, creating long stripes of darkness and light. The light can distract and dazzle; the darkness can hide and obscure.

The light of Jesus comes from above. It does not cause shadows; in his light there is no darkness. It does not dazzle and blind: it leads the disciple to living waters; it leads the disciple home.

There are many fraudulent sources of light by which some chart their courses. Even the Jesus follower can find herself distracted by flickers of light which purport to come from the true source of light and life.

May I walk in the light of God always, recognising the sources masquerading as the true light and instead keeping my face turned to Jesus. As a sunflower keeps its face to the sun, may my face be always turned towards Jesus.

As Aretha Franklin sang, ‘Walk in the light, beautiful light, Come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright, Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus (Lord Jesus) is the light of the world.’

Monday, 23 September 2024

Top Gear


Heading southeast for my retreat last week, I sensed God wanting me to keep the radio off and start listening. He had things to show me as we went.

As I downshifted to go up a steep brae, the sentence flashed into my mind: ‘You can’t go up a hill in top gear.’ You have to downshift, especially if you’re bearing a load.

While this seems like good, practical advice, what is the ‘God message’ in it?

I thought of Elijah, fleeing for his life from Jezebel after God’s defeat of the prophets of Baal. (1 Kings 19). The tender love that God shows Elijah is so beautiful, sending him an angel with food and a blessing of rest before recommissioning him and giving him a helper.

I’ve not taken on a Jezebel, nor stepped out on a limb for the Lord. But sometimes the uphill brae can be gradual and long. The enemy is not Jezebel but it can be losing heart, growing weary and losing energy.

God was in charge of my retreat. His gentle hand was on me as I stepped aside on the hill and found a place of rest, of beauty and refreshment. He renewed my spirit as he restored my faith that he is indeed in charge of all the details of my life.

We all need a rhythm of pauses, short pauses daily and longer pauses at intervals. May I remember the lesson that I can’t go up a hill in top gear.


Friday, 20 September 2024

Rock Pools


Time apart. Alone with God.

The Lord blessed me with a glorious, warm day on Wednesday when I headed to Auchmithie Beach in Angus. We’ve hung out together there a couple of times. It turned out to be as expected, only better. A day of rich gleanings. A day of sitting gazing at the waves, the tide, the jet trails in the blue skies. A day of listening. A day of seeing a little bit more.

I studied the rock pools left as the tide retreated, and it occurred to me that where the rock had eroded with an outlet at one end, the sea water emptied completely, leaving a clear bowl of clean stones. Where the erosion was more of a hollowing out, leaving a bowl-shaped dip, or where there was a blockage of some sort, the water never completely drained, leaving the rock pools soft with green algae, growing in stagnant and sour water.

How I need times of stepping aside and allowing the Lord to empty me of all the sour water that can stagnate within me, clogging my thinking and muddying my mind. The algae in my soul does not look pretty, to me or to Him, and it is so good to just rest in him and allow him to remove any blockages and re-open my clogged channels.

Lectio today dealt with a similar theme: regular times alone with God are the example Jesus left us, and they model a rhythm we all need. There is so much in this world to clog my mind, spirit, heart and soul, but in Jesus there is freedom. In Jesus we have a loving Saviour who invites us to dump all that muddies our thinking on him, so that we can live life to the full.

I leave all the green algae at your cross now, Lord. Cleanse me and make me new.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Season of mists


The mist blankets the marshy field like a thick duvet. Yet the air above harvested field beside it, dotted with pairs of straw-bale rolls, is clear and crisp.

And the road…the road traces a clear track beside the misty field, offering a crisp vista of what lies ahead.

‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’, wrote Keats in his Ode to Autumn. The mists swirl and the boughs hang low, bearing ripening apples which will be ready before the onslaught of winter.

May this be a day of mists and mellow fruitfulness. I am setting out on a retreat day, headed for a beach I know, looking forward to mists rising, roads being clear, and time to revel in the Father’s presence and receive his love.

May God bless your day, too, in this season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

Not a breath of wind...


Not a breath of wind. Even the uppermost branches of the giant larch tree are barely moving. Peace prevails. A warming sun beams down from above; wispy white clouds stretch languorously across the heavens.

God is in control. All is well.

Global currents are chaotic, stormy and wild; distress and pain are everywhere.

I lift my eyes to the hills. My help comes from God, and when I lift my eyes to the hills, I am reminded of our loving creator. I am reminded that Jesus spread wide his arms to embrace the world he created, the people he loves. I am reminded that I am never alone, never forgotten, by the one who holds the world in his hands. I am reminded that with God, nothing is impossible, and that he always keeps his promises.

He will come again. He will make all things new. He will restore sanity and bring peace on earth, and goodwill between men and women.

It is good to pause. To gaze. To ponder and to wait. It is good to take time out from the chaos of to-do lists and shoulds and oughts. To step aside, be still, and know that He is God.

God is in control. All is well.


Monday, 16 September 2024

Swallows Fidget


Swallows fidget on the overhead lines, flitting off and then alighting again in an instinctive dance of beauty and grace. Somehow this annual ritual prepares the wee birds for the massive migration they’re about to make to South Africa.

Young cows line up at the gate as Mary and I pass by, curious to see us. Brambles blacken into a rich, juicy colour; rose hips darken and swell; leaves are beginning to turn from their greens to the fall foliage of russet, orange, yellow and brown.

Change is in the air. Despite the stillness of the day, the blue of the sky, the golden sun – there is an edge of chill causing occasional involuntary shivers.

Wait and watch.

There is a sense in which we are waiting for what we have experienced before. That which is familiar. Sometimes even derided as the same old same old.

But God is the joyful creator who delights to create new things.

May I be on my tiptoes every morning, expectant and eager to glimpse his hand in my life, doing something familiar perhaps, but in a new, and beautiful way.

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Tangible Friend


I can stand it no longer – the frayed lining on the bathroom curtain. It’s way past time to make new ones. But with so many shops now gone from our local ‘high street’, I’ve got to do it all online. Get the fabric samples. They never look the same as they did on screen. After four attempts, I’ve finally chosen one.

Now to calculate how much fabric I need! I’ve done the online calculator. It seems straightforward enough, but I know that once they cut the fabric, it is mine, right or wrong. I hesitate, and then look for the yellowing, creased, well-used instructions on how to make curtains, from the old DIY book on how to do practically anything in the home. It’s so old I need to rework things from Imperial to metric, but I am relieved when I find it.

Holding the physical page of instructions in my hands, I sense my confidence rise. I will always be old school, preferring something I can hold to what I read on an electronic screen.

That’s probably why I never see myself reading the Bible in digital format. There is something more solid and real about a printed version. Something more beautiful in a bound book, than a device of any kind.

Doing life is a lot more complicated and important than making a new bathroom curtain. I want to linger in God’s instructions for life, maybe thumbing back or forward to where I made a wee note years ago, maybe comparing different versions.

It is just possible I might be able to de-clutter the bookshelves one day, giving away the books which I’ve enjoyed through the years. But I hope I never have to give up my Bibles, a real touch-stone with the divine Spirit of grace, source of comfort and encouragement, correction and inspiration.




Tuesday, 10 September 2024



I was early. (I usually am…)

Needing a couple of birthday cards, I found them in the rich display. My friend hadn’t yet arrived, so I zipped to the cash till and paid. It only took a couple of minutes.

Returning to my station by the entry door, I waited, and finally pulled out my phone to see the time. Which is when I realised she’d sent me a text: she was upstairs waiting in the café entrance.

In those couple of minutes, I’d missed her entry. I’d probably left my station just as she parked her car.

How often in life do I miss a divine appointment, simply because I multitask instead of simply waiting? Wait for the Lord, Scripture advises. Be strong; take heart, and wait for the Lord.

Easier said than done. Lord, would you teach me this skill, so that I never miss your arrival? Quell my impatience and silence my inner drive to accomplish something with every moment. Help me today to be strong, take heart, and wait for the Lord.

Monday, 9 September 2024

Hill of Fare


The Hill of Fare presses upward against the beauty of a cloud-streaked sky, all blues and greys and whites. An autumn sun hangs resolutely in the sky as the clouds dance and caper across its face.

Sheltering animal and bird habitats, providing recreational paths for walkers, concealing historic relics from a past battle between Mary Queen of Scots and the Duke of Huntly, the hill is rich in peat for the heather growing there, and beneath the peat lies granite containing elevated concentrations  of uranium and thorium. A hill of diverse abundance.

It is a beautiful feature of our local landscape, lying at the gate to Royal Deeside and on to the Highlands. The boundaries of my life have fallen in pleasant places.

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. May we preserve and respect the gifts we have been given, and be willing to invest in alternative alternatives as we seek a ‘greener’ way to live.

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Braemar Games


Serpentine lines of traffic funnelled into the village of Braemar, coaches and cars carrying folks eager to experience the annual Braemar Highland Gathering. Nearly two hours after leaving Banchory, delayed by the traffic, our coach full of our Ukrainian friends parked and we headed into the venue. Surrounded by hills of heather, the field looked spectacular in the late summer sunshine.

The announcer kept up a running commentary of the various events on the field, from running heats, to Highland dancing competitions, to caber tossing and tug-of-war. We found a space on a hillock and settled down to watch, finding the passing visitors as interesting as the action on the field.

All around, pipers warmed their pipes, practicing their pieces for the various parades of pipe bands which punctuated the day. This is the place to enjoy the bagpipes in all their glory.

Precisely at 3 pm, cars carrying the King and Queen and others in their party arrived from Balmoral, circled the arena and the royal party settled into their seats to watch some events. After the band of the Royal Marines, and the massed pipe bands, they were taken back to their castle and the crowds began to disperse.

Over the many years I’ve been here, I’ve been to the Braemar gathering several times. Yesterday’s visit was memorable and special. We were blessed by the warm sunshine, and delighted to be with the Ukrainians as they experienced a full immersion into Scottish tradition and culture.

It offered a distraction from the tragedy engulfing their nation, a tragedy which threatens us all. May God pour out his blessings on Ukraine, restoring peace and bringing reconciliation and hope to that beleaguered nation, a nation, like Scotland, rich in traditions of costume, music and dancing.

Come, Lord Jesus, Prince of peace.


Friday, 6 September 2024

Sticky Beauty


Low cloud cover blankets our views and a dampness moistens the air. As I head out to meet my walking partner, I notice the proliferation of spider’s webs, their intricate patterns picked out with drops of dew as they sag like trampolines between the thorns and twigs of the gorse bushes. The once-invisible, deadly insect traps are revealed, enticingly beautiful.

Does this mean spiders will go hungry today? Or will less-savvy bugs (are any bugs savvy?) be attracted by the deceptive beauty and lured into the traps of sticky silk?

May the Lord reveal to me, today, any hidden traps into which I might fall accidentally, or be attracted to because of their outward beauty.

Thank you, Lord, that underneath us all are the everlasting arms, ready to catch us when we fall – catch us not into a trap of terror, but into an embrace of sacrificial love.


Wednesday, 4 September 2024



Awaiting with rising anticipation the connection with loved ones on the other side of the world. A skype call is scheduled this morning.

As I look at the rowan tree, beautiful and heavy with orange berries, the towering larch and the golden grain in the field beyond, I see the loving hand of our heavenly Father and am in awe that he – the creator and ruler of the universe – is available to me 24/7. No need for a good wifi connection, a pre-arranged time, or a self-conscious rush to put on lipstick: I can just reach out in a silent cry of joy or concern and he is there.

Praise him.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024



The earth is constantly unstable, the sign reads. Be careful.

The cliffs are crumbling into the ocean, and now companies providing the infrastructure of modern life have cut the water, the gas, and the electricity from multi-million dollar homes perched precariously at the top. A spark occasioned by a slippage started a wildfire there, so the dangers go beyond one or two homes ‘simply’ slipping over the edge into the Pacific.

The city has asked residents to leave. Most refuse.

The area is just a few miles from where I stay when I visit Mom. Because I know the area, my interest is piqued and my concern for those affected is heightened.

Where should those displaced residents go? As their valuable investments become worthless, what should they do? I’m praying for them.

A wealthy homeowner in a story Jesus told built new barns to hold the bounty of his harvest. But within a short space of time, the farmer died. He didn’t live long enough to enjoy his amassed riches.

A stark reminder that money is best invested in others, shared out to people and situations of need or distress.

The earth is unstable, but God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow – the God of love and compassion, mercy and forgiveness. May I invest my time and money today in the people and situations he draws me to, looking upwards and outwards and resisting building myself a castle which tomorrow may crumble.

And may all those who watch helplessly as nature or conflict or mismanagement devour their homes and livelihoods be surprised and comforted by Jesus’ saving grace and love offered through his body here on earth.

Monday, 2 September 2024



Astronauts are sometimes accompanied by astromice, who ride into space in a familiar cage, but once they escape the gravitational pull, the wee creatures have one of two reactions. Some, no doubt appalled at their weightlessness, cling for dear life to the bars of their cage. Others, however, allow themselves to float – perhaps even enjoying the sensation and experience. According to the presenter on the Radio 4 programme this morning, the terrified mice often die, whereas the adventurers survive.

I can’t vouch for the veracity of this, but I can’t help but think that when humans limit their experiences of our world through fear, they don’t enjoy life as much as those who embrace every challenge with enthusiasm.

The Bible says, hundreds of times, ‘do not be afraid’, and Jesus declares that he came so that we could have life in all its fullness. I love seeing people who are living out that freedom, either because of an innate courage and adventurer’s spirit or out of a deep faith and trust in God.

I ask God to deepen my trust in his provision and protection and guidance, so that each day can be an adventure in exploring the wonders of this creation he has blessed us with. I don’t want to be a cling-er! I want to fly, safe in my Father’s arms.


Friday, 30 August 2024



Rowan trees hang heavy with berries this year, orange now but slowly deepening into a rich red. Don tells me that indicates the winter will be harsh, if the rowan berries are plentiful.

Beyond the rowan tree, a field of gold waves softly in the breeze, ripe unto the harvest. Combine harvesters are busy in our area; perhaps this field is next.

I hear stories that God is on the move in the UK, touching hearts, awakening minds, restoring lives.

Ask the Lord of the harvest. Ask him to touch those you know and love. Ask him to use you to help bring in a bumper crop for the kingdom.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Out of the boat!


Step out of your comfort zone. Good advice, but oh, how the human heart often yearns to sink back into that safe space where things are familiar and no hard decisions or actions are required.

I am reminded, especially in decisions regarding my mother, that it is in stepping out of my comfort zone that I am enabled to more fully ‘trust in the Lord with all my heart’. Medical and financial decisions are not my forte, and so I am very aware that in making them for her, I do so prayerfully.

Life feels like being in a boat rocking on the rising waves of an approaching storm. Global events are disturbing, often shocking and upsetting. Local situations can also be alarming. Jesus doesn’t advise that we hang on tight in our own spaces, batten down the hatches, and stay safe. Instead, he invites us to step out of the boat and know the exhilaration of walking on the water – turbulent though it may be – with him.

May I live in anticipation of what he will do as I trust in him with all my heart, and don’t lean on my own understanding, which is so myopic and clouded. Today, in whatever I do, may I do it with my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, who enables me to do much more than I can even imagine.

Monday, 26 August 2024



A gentle breath of wind rustles the low-hanging twigs from the larch tree, rocking them back and forth. Beyond them, the field of ripening grain stands unruffled in the stillness, golden and tender.

The rowan berries cluster in orange bunches, darkening daily towards the deep red they will reach.

Not a hot August day, but a very pleasant one.

So much to do in the garden; so much to do in the house; so I sit here and contemplate the beauty of creation.

The boundaries for me have fallen in pleasant places, and I am forever grateful to God for his grace and mercy. Praying for all whose peace is shattered by violence and aggression; come, Prince of Peace.  

Friday, 23 August 2024



‘Aargh, we’re camping this weekend and the forecast is dire.’

‘Why do we live in Scotland?’

‘Raining here, too.’

So went the WhatsApp chat the other day. Then today, ‘Lovely sunny morning here!’

‘Yes, bright sunshine in Edinburgh today!’

‘I’m just back from walking with the neighbour, in the warm sunshine.’

They say the weather is the most talked-about topic in the UK. I think that could be true. But is that a bad thing?

Living where the default weather pattern is pretty similar from day to day, I barely noticed the weather as I grew up in southern California. It was usually wonderful, and I took that for granted. I can remember my shock when, age 19, I visited Europe for the first time. It was summer, yet in Amsterdam we froze, in Edinburgh we dodged the rain and it was only 55 degrees F: how could that be summer?

I love the heat, the sunshine, the warmth and languor of a summer’s day. But variation prevents complacency. It draws my eyes to the heavens – and I do love the drama of the Scottish skies. It keeps me from taking things for granted, and it also connects me more closely to the natural world outside my window.

Now the wind is rising and the clouds are swirling; more change.

Jesus says to his disciples to keep alert, to watch the signs in nature because we are part of it. We can see his hand in his creation.

I thank you, Lord, for keeping my attention.

But now, could you please overrule that forecast, and allow the campers a dry, happy experience?

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Empty feeders


Empty bird feeders leaning against the trunk of the rowan tree, silhouetted against a pale grey sky. The larder of the landscape provides for our feathered friends during these warmer summer days.

Upstairs, as I sit down at my laptop, I am mesmerised by the aerial display being enacted outside my window by the swallows, swooping and darting, chattering and wheeling on the light wind. Preparing to head south soon, as their food supply begins to wane in these northern climates.

I enjoy the ease of partaking of God’s provision in the Bible. Unlike our bird feeders, it is never empty, but sometimes I am aware that I peck away quickly and don’t extract all the richness his word has to impart. But he doesn’t leave me hungry. The larder in the landscape of my life is full of God’s nourishing truths, encouragements and comforts, too, and even when I don’t linger long enough to really benefit from what He is feeding me in the Bible, still He provides through the words and actions of others I encounter, through the sounds I hear and the sights I see. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear and consciousness to recognise you in my day today, Lord.

I am grateful that God does not restrict himself to one means of feeding his flock, but makes use of even the most unlikely of ways to nourish us. May I be more aware today of the tenderness of my loving heavenly Father (who, I believe, is also revelling in the sheer joy of the acrobatic prowess of these energetic swallows this morning!).

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Clean Vessels


As summer draws itself to a close, way too early, I am sorting things in the greenhouse, dragging half-full bags of potting compost out of the doorway, hanging tools and stacking plastic pots. Pots and pots and more plastic pots.

There are stores which recycle plastic pots. I just need to wash them, which I am about to do.

Jesus talked about pots. He warned about cleaning the outside only, while inside allowing all sorts of germs to fester and multiply.

He calls for us to live with integrity, clean inside and out. Lord, I bring to you today the dark corners of my heart, my mind, and trust you to cleanse me so that I may be a vessel of life-giving water to any who need. As I wash my way through my stack of dirty pots, may my thoughts and aspirations be cleansed, through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Restore us, your church, so that we may all be vessels of your life-giving water in this thirsty, weary world.


Monday, 19 August 2024

Old Toys


Old toys.

For years, they’ve lain forgotten. These ones didn’t even make it back into the boxes with all the rest, where they’ve sat forlornly in the attic awaiting the delighted voice of a young child. These ones became mixed in with the various cars and dinosaurs and people and pirates which do come out when the grandkids come.

We separated them awhile ago, so we could reunite them with their teams, prepare them to sit again in the bleachers and watch an exciting match delivered by a kid.

Today, protected by bubble wrap, securely taped into a jiffy bag, they are on a journey to Bearsden to be reunited with their owner, whose wee boy is ready. Soon their wobbly bottoms will sit still, held in place by icing on the top of a 7-year-old’s cake. Soon after that, the rest of the set will reunite and the games will begin again.

Sometimes real people feel forgotten, feel overlooked, separated from those they love and far from where they belong. In the increasing alienation spawned by looking for one’s identity in the confusion of social media, isn’t it time to step back and simplify, to recognise or remind ourselves that the real truth lies not on line but in Jesus, who loves each one of us with an everlasting love, who created each of us to be just who we are, who never gives up on us and never leaves us to languish alone?

Alpha is starting tomorrow night at Banchory West Church, 7 pm for 7.30 free dinner, followed by a short, stimulating video and an opportunity to talk to others about the big questions of life. You can book online, or you can just show up.

None of us are old toys, discarded by a deity who got tired of us. We are all special to Jesus, and he’s ready to throw a real party for all who come to him.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

The Party's over - or is it?


The party’s over.

Back into a jumper after a couple of heavenly summer-weather weeks in California. Two weeks are enough to slide us towards autumn: we hear it in the cows’ calls; we see it in the spent raspberry canes; we taste it in the ripening blueberries. The day slips into darkness noticeably earlier than when we left. The seasons are on the move, always.

It’s hard to believe that Mom is now into her second century. I hear it in the tiredness in her voice; I saw it in the slowing of her movements and the dimming of her sight. She is slipping away and yet is still very present, able to enjoy a good donut with gusto and nod her head rhythmically as she listens to one of her great-granddaughters play the piano.

I continue to thank God for the joy and privilege of being my mom’s daughter. Her unconditional love has been poured out on all of her family, all of her life. Over fifty people wanted to honour her by coming to her birthday party. Unfortunately, it was too much for Mom, who retired to her room and greeted people in smaller groups. Over the next days, I read out the many cards she received, many of them citing the difference she made in their lives. Nieces with fond memories of her never forgetting their birthday, and always sending a fun card. Camp Fire members of the group she led, recalling the way she guided and encouraged them in developing leadership and other skills. A forever friend grateful for their mutual support as they travel this new territory of old age. A young person grateful for the way she always made him feel like family. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren sending messages and memories.

It's not about a party. It’s about a lifetime of love and selfless giving.

Relationships. Mom has been stellar in building them throughout her life. That hasn’t stopped. Staff at the home speak with smiles of her sense of humour and usually positive attitude.

I don’t know what I am doing, walking Mom home from half a world away, so I lean on Jesus. There are times when Mom and I remind each other that even though we don’t see what’s round the next corner, we are both leaning on someone who does.

And we know that in him, the real party is just about to really begin.

Monday, 12 August 2024

Another day in paradise...


Our final few days here, and suddenly I’ve got some admin details to do for Mom, things which challenge me and make me anxious.

What can I do? Don asked.

God has blessed me with a true help-mate, always there beside me, always ready to roll up his sleeves and get stuck into whatever it is – old papers to read through, figures to get into an Excel spreadsheet, emails to write.

I am so grateful to God for blessing me with a wonderful husband, for nearly 49 years.

Today we are driving out to Chino, a long, traffic-filled drive into the hot hinterland, to lunch with my oldest friend, whom I’ve known since we were 8. I will disengage from the nitty gritty of taxes and admin and enjoy this day, the day the Lord has made.

Another day in paradise, my dad used to say every morning. So true. Wherever we live, when we live in love, it’s another day in paradise.

Have a good one.

Saturday, 10 August 2024

The Sad Lane


We’re in the sad lane. Watching as Mom powers down. Since we’ve arrived, we’ve watched her make heroic efforts to keep awake, to be sociable, while really just wanting to lie down again and sleep. Only a few days left here, and each day we make one or two visits to see her, but generally she is asleep, or wants to be asleep.

It’s hard letting go.

Walking along the sidewalk at Santa Monica beach the other day, we were shuffling slowly behind a group of people when suddenly a cyclist sought a way through the clump of people on the pavement. He wobbled; his bike hit the stone wall and skidded to its side, tipping him off and driving the bike into my knee and ribs. Just a graze, a bruise, nothing serious but shocking nonetheless.

Are you ok? I asked him, rubbing my ribs. He glared at me, mounted his bike and sped off, still on the sidewalk. There was a bike lane two feet away running parallel to us.

My bruises are healing, but I’ve been wondering about him. What drove him to make such an ill-considered decision to bike along a busy sidewalk when there was an empty lane available? What made him glare at me as if it were all my fault to be in his path at that moment? Is he nursing bruises today, or guilt, or pain that drove him that day, and struggles to find expression?

I’d say he’s in a sad lane as well. Maybe we all are, in one way or another. Trying to conceal and live with pains that drive us to make unwise choices, sometimes with consequences.

I am with you always, Jesus whispers. You are never alone, whatever lane you’re in.

Praise him.


Friday, 9 August 2024

LA and the Getty


The tram glided silently up the steep slope, affording a panoramic view of a smoggy LA from its windows. Arriving at the top, we emerged into a landscape of substantial white buildings, of various shapes and textures, dropped across a white courtyard.

The Getty Center. Without much signage, we were left to wander until we located the main desk and entry. The first exhibition we visited was amazing: small line drawings and paintings of the icy winters in the 17th century in the Netherlands. We marvelled at the artistry and skill, especially considering their hands were no doubt frozen as they depicted scenes of town life in the frozen landscapes of that mini-ice age.

Climate change has happened before, not on our scale nor for the same reasons, but people have had to adapt to conditions they didn’t recognise.

Inching into the six or seven lane traffic on the 405 south afterwards, we were so aware of our own part in contributing to climate change. After a visit to Santa Monica, the GPS decided to take us on a magical mystery tour of Marina del Rey, Manhattan and Hermosa beach residential streets in order to avoid the congestion on the freeway. Stressful. A big change from Drumoak to Banchory…

Through it all, the Lord blessed us with laughter and companionship. Life is full of poignancy, balancing good times with Don, with diminishing time spent with a worn-out, dear sweet Mom.

On our way to visit her again. Precious times to savour. God bless.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Centenary Party


Yesterday, we went down to the shoreline on Redondo Beach, and strolled to the pier. Sat down and just basked in the warm sun, enjoying the laughter and life all around us on this busy summer day.

Then Don noticed he had some tar on his sandals, and his ankle. My trainers were thick with tar, too.

The tar we picked up was under the surface of the sand. We never saw any until we were tarred and sanded. Apparently, it is an organic tar, like that at La Brea Tar Pits downtown LA where so many dinosaurs met their end. Thankfully, we didn’t encounter it in such vast quantities!

Today we headed to a hardware store to get a solvent. We got more than we asked for: a helpful shop assistant who worked hard to find what we needed, gave some helpful advice and then loaned us the screwdrivers from his car so we could work on cleaning them in the parking lot. Jonathan at Ace Hardware, thank you!

Since arriving last Wednesday, we have had many angels helping us prepare for the birthday party on Sunday. Lindy from Ivy Park was exceptional, running (literally) to fulfil our every wish. Nothing was too much, from ice to music to microphones, tables and food warmers, plates and cutlery. A huge thank you to her, and to Ivy Park for being so flexible and accommodating for this large gathering.

And a huge thank you to the care staff, who are also exceptional. They are all so kind, gentle and helpful, compassionate and patient. I am so grateful to know Mom is in such loving care.

Her 100th birthday party was full of life, laughter, and love. Over fifty relatives and friends came to show their love and gratitude for this wonderful lady. Unfortunately, Mom herself was not feeling up to it all, but was able to receive guests in smaller groups in her room, and she enjoyed that.

Today she was agreeing that it was lovely to have been the reason for a huge family reunion. Relatives and friends came from Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, San Diego, Chino, the valley…all over the place.

I am so grateful to God for the wonderful Mom I am blessed to still have with me. She has always had my back, always been positive and encouraging, loving and forgiving. Her faith in God has been an inspiration and I know her prayers have blessed me with the faith I have.

As she always says, ‘we’re all just doing our best’: Mom’s best has given me a role model and faithful friend. Happy birthday, dearest Mom. Such a privilege and joy to be your daughter.





Monday, 29 July 2024

Small Things


Two people-carrier cars, packed with bags of dirty, wet (from a water-fight) clothes, tired children and even more tired parents, pulled away from the house, at the end of a gift of a weekend. The sun shone on our BBQ – always a cause for celebration in Scotland. The usually-quiet home resounded with laughter as most of our family – notably missing those now in Australia – gathered together for the annual summer birthdays BBQ.

Pure joy.

Putting the children’s rolling stock back in the garage, Don discovered a critical black plastic bolt missing from the seat of the go-kart. He’d been down the drive looking but couldn’t find it.

Now all day, Tony’s message at church had resonated in my mind: Unable to find drinking water in the wilderness, the children of Israel had forgotten that God parted the waters of a mighty river to save them from their pursuers just three days earlier. They forgot about his love, his care, and his supernatural abilities, and griped and groaned about their lack. Instead of asking, they complained.

That sounds familiar. I’d left church, resolving to remember God’s goodness and with his help, to stop complaining.

So, with that in mind, I headed down the drive, eyes focused on the grass verge. I asked God to help me see the missing bolt. An old chorus popped into my mind: ‘Open my eyes, Lord’. I sang it out – just those words – and there it was! As instantly as that. The little black plastic bolt lay there in full sight.

He is the God who delights in helping his children with the small things as well as the big. May I put all my trust in him today, as I prepare for Mom’s centenary birthday party.

Thursday, 25 July 2024



This morning, this statement in the Lectio 365 is sticking with me: ‘Whenever we magnify something, it gets bigger. So am I going to magnify the problem, or magnify the Lord?’

I know what my tendency is, so I’m asking God to help me to make the switch. I also am thinking of all the times I need to put on my glasses in order to read the small print on whatever. Sometimes, it isn’t worth the effort. May I stop magnifying the small print, which only distracts and worries me.

I’m also thinking of those fairground wonky mirrors which distort the images they reflect, exaggerating some bits and shrinking others. How often my vision is distorted like that as I focus intently on the next challenge.

I love the positivity of this word. Today I set out to magnify the Lord in all I do!

Monday, 22 July 2024



I really hate technology, I complained to Doug. Missing the irony. He was sitting at his computer in Brisbane, accessing my laptop in Scotland in order to sort out a mess I had got into with Skype. Monday was over for him, nearly. For me, it was just beginning. Doug could take control, search out the problem, find the solution and fix it from half a world away.

For that level of technology, I am totally grateful. (I am even more grateful for that depth of love and patience.)

So, to be more precise, I should have said I really hate technology when it goes wrong. Largely due to my own ignorance when I key in the wrong information and descend deeper into the murky madness that ensues. When I have to raise my hand, yet again, and cry ‘help’, and know that someone I love half a world away will carve out an hour or two at the end of a busy day to enable me to call my Mom.

Life is terrible, says a friend of ours from Ukraine. His circumstances are twisted and troubled and – yes – terrible. I want to suggest to him though that no, life is not terrible but incredible, though his current experience of it is indeed terrible. He is caught in a tangled web not of his making. But I will not protest that life is beautiful, because I am sitting comfortably, with problems and situations that do exercise my mind and make me anxious but which are small potatoes compared to his. For me to correct his perspective would be harsh and uncaring.

So instead, in faith, I put up my hand, yet again, and cry ‘help’, knowing that someone I love and who has loved me from all eternity will hear my prayer and answer.

What would Jesus say?

‘I came that they might have life, and life to the full.’

May the Lord bless, encourage and envelop in his love all those for whom this day is truly terrible. May I be open and available to serve, offering whatever I can to alleviate suffering. And ultimately, in that offering, may others experience the love of Jesus and receive that new level of life, life to the full, which stretches not just across the miles, but transcends dimensions, space and time.