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Monday 12 October 2020

A Big Red Ribbon


An email reminder: phone banking check-in on Zoom tonight. (I registered to help get out the vote; there was a problem with me signing in, and I left it unresolved, and am now feeling guilty when I get these messages because as yet I have not resolved the problem, and therefore phoned nobody). A recurring pop-up message every time I turn on my computer: ‘there is a problem with your Microsoft account which we need to fix’. (I have tried to fix it many times and every time I run into a problem with my name, and I give up. Slightly fearful that one day it really will matter.). A Zoom link to tonight’s church prayer group sits in my inbox. (The slow speed of our internet undermined my resolve to continue with the prayer group; now our speed has been increased, but between phoning Mom at 5.30 and trying to get dinner on the table and into my stomach before 6.45, I just give up). A WhatsApp message on my phone reminds me that Mom has an eye appointment in November which the care staff made in August; (I have yet to telephone the eye doctor and ensure that the insurance covered the cost of that last appointment).

I could go on, but you get my point. My intentions are good: I want things done in an orderly way and completed neatly and tidily, but somehow it doesn’t always work like that.

My fourth grade teacher, Mrs Costuma, taught me many things, and one was about composition. Always conclude your essay with a reference to what you declared at the beginning, because in so doing you ‘tie it up with a big red ribbon. That advice has stuck with me for decades. And yet, so much of my life is messy, unresolved, and certainly not ‘tied up with a big red ribbon’.

Long ago the LORD said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.’ (Jeremiah 31:3) I am so grateful that the Lord doesn’t leave his creation unresolved.

‘And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.’ (Phil 1:6)

I thank God today that at the end of my life, he will gather in all the loose ends and somehow tie it up with a big red ribbon.

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